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A smile is one of the most important parts of the face and has a great impact on a person’s beauty and attractiveness.

Having healthy and beautiful gums plays an important role in having a beautiful smile. But sometimes, problems such as gum disease, gum recession, or gum asymmetry can affect the beauty of a smile.

Gum lift is a dental surgical procedure that is performed to fix these gum problems. In this method, by removing some of the gum tissue, the teeth become more visible and the smile becomes more beautiful.

In many cases, this treatment is considered cosmetic and therefore optional, which means it is not medically necessary. Rather, its purpose is the beauty of teeth and smile.

Gum lift


A gum lift is a safe and effective procedure that is usually painless. This procedure is usually done in one session and the patient can return to daily activities after a few days.

If you also suffer from gum problems and are looking for a way to solve these problems, a gum lift can be a suitable option for you.

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Learn more about gum lift...

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What is a gummy smile?

What is a gummy smile? A gummy smile is a cosmetic issue characterized by the excessive visibility of gums, particularly during laughter. This condition can stem from various factors, including:

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Gum left with erbium laser

Gum disease is one of the biggest oral problems today, which is unfortunately very common. The usual and traditional treatment of this disease is with a razor and open surgery,


Gum Contouring Using Laser

Reshaping & lifting gums with laser Gum contouring is a dental procedure designed to reshape the gums and enhance the smile’s aesthetics by addressing issues like a gummy smile or

Why laser gum lift?

Gum lift surgery, which is actually a short-term outpatient surgery, the excess gum tissue is cut by the dentist after injecting anesthesia and taking necessary photographs with a surgical blade, this surgery is considered a more invasive treatment method than laser lift.

Laser gum lift: a beautiful smile without the need for surgery within an hour

Patient’s satisfaction with laser gum lift surgery, without pain and bleeding

Smile beautifully with laser without pain or bleeding

Advantages and disadvantages of gum lift with laser and traditional surgery

Gum lift in the traditional way

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Bleeding and pain: Traditional gum lift methods may result in more bleeding and pain, which can be a deterrent for some individuals considering this approach. Longer recovery time: Traditional gum lift methods often necessitate a longer recovery period compared to laser gum lift, which may affect the treatment timeline for some individuals.

Less technological Advancement: To some extent, traditional methods may offer less technological advancement compared to modern methods.

Laser gum lift

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High efficiency: The laser gum lift procedure typically yields superior results in terms of shaping and minimizing bleeding. This is attributed to the heightened precision and efficiency provided by laser devices, leading to enhanced outcomes for patients.

Short recovery time: Laser gum lift procedures typically involve a shorter recovery period compared to traditional methods, making it a preferred choice for individuals who value quicker post-treatment healing.

Reduction of pain and complications: Laser gum lift procedures are preferred for their ability to minimize pain and reduce complications post-treatment. This method is known for its effectiveness in minimizing discomfort and potential side effects, leading to a smoother recovery experience for patients.

Sample treatment

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Steps of laser gum lift procedure

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Answers to common gum lift questions

A gum lift procedure typically does not cause significant pain. Patients may experience some discomfort or minor pain in the treated area. This discomfort can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Gum lift is usually done in one session and takes about an hour.

After a gum lift procedure, it is important to:

    – Use antibacterial mouthwashes

    – Maintain good oral hygiene practices

    – Avoid consuming hard and sticky foods

    – Refrain from smoking

Individuals with certain medical conditions such as diabetes, heart diseases, or blood diseases should consult their family doctor before undergoing a gum lift procedure.

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